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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Sex and Country: Males from Neutral Zone

4 PenpalsNow ads are available in this category. Displaying ads 1 - 4

Name: scribe d. Gender: male Age Group:50+
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Neutral Zone

Hobbies: many
Penpal message / wishes:
Looking for a writer of fiction. Share a story or write write your own. I am not a pro not even that good . Just enjoy using my imagination and sharing ideas with others . Constructing a tale . Let your imagination out of it's cage .

Last modified: 20240229


Name: Boisterous R. Gender: male Age Group:31-40
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Neutral Zone

Penpal message / wishes:

The world is reeling under the pandemic while we sit on our cozy bed. The bleeding world needs selfless souls who could illumine this planet with ever pervading LOVE

This ad is a prayer for all like-minded souls who believe that love can change the world...

I am a nature lover, daydreamer, and hopeless romantic...I believe this world is a cosmic game and life a journey to manifest the love within. From the galore of stars to the abundant ocean, everything teaches the art of giving, when we give, we become richer in terms of our assets, the positive within becomes one with the cosmos, and the bird within, flaps its wings to soar...wanna soar with me brethren?

I welcome you all, regardless of your background...hop in and share your experiences...who knows this togetherness may leave trails of immortality behind.

Last modified: 20210518

Name: Stoic M. Gender: male Age Group:31-40
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Neutral Zone

Hobbies: There is nothing but you
Penpal message / wishes:
I thought about the pitter-patter of raindrops..the chattering of leaves, in the midst of which we walked together beyond the horizon...

I still go nostalgic, still, my nerves call out for you, still, I feel hollow as if nothing ever touched me..

To meet you was heaven, to depart was still a longing of a lifetime...and to meet again, is it wishful thinking?

Do you know, with every fleeting moment, we are inching closer to the day when we will go into oblivion....what will remain of us, will bestrew love dust across the universe...

When we are no more, we will still exist in the fragrance of a rose, blooming in some evergreen prairie

I will droop my petals to talk to you and shyly, you will embrace me by tilting your head...

Does time has might to erase this from the part of my tide and no time, no colours can fill the rainbow of my heart without you...

Without you, this world seems desolate as if the flickering light of a pyre..

Without you, life seems breathless

With you, the stars twinkle day and night, reminding are retreating...after all, where can you go?

I am the spark...I am the essence...I am the sight...I am....another you....

Last modified: 20210510

Name: Cal S. Gender: male Age Group:41-50
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Neutral Zone

Hobbies: Many varied, just ask
Penpal message / wishes:
Looking for a friend during this lockdown. It is easy to be alone when it is a lifestyle choice, but much more difficult when the choice is taken from you by an incompetent political system.

Looking to chat primarily to women as I find it easier to chat with females due to my occupation. I am open-minded and can chat on a wide range of subject. If I sound remotely interesting to you then feel free to drop me a line.

Last modified: 20200523


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