Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Sex and Country: Males from Georgia (Sakartvelo) - not US state!
3 PenpalsNow ads are available in this category. Displaying ads 1 - 3
PenpalsNow! Pen Pal Ad
Name: Levan I.Gender:maleAge Group:23-30 E-Mail Address:Hidden, click here to show e-mail City & Country:
Georgia (Sakartvelo) - not US state!
Hobbies:Drawing, 3D modeling, Architecture, Illustration, Graphic design Penpal message / wishes: Hi to whoever reading.
I'll try my best to summarize myself.
I created this account like 5 years ago and haven't touched it since. Never really was into writing long letters or emails since anyone can DM easily. But for the purposes of curiosity I'm activating this ad to whoever wants to write.
I'm 27.
Working in Interior Design.
Passionate about 3D design, game art, video games in general, manga, drawing, hiking, ice-skating.
Idk the list goes on so it's better to gradually get to know someone.
Anyway, my email is open so.
Last modified:20240519
PenpalsNow! Pen Pal Ad
Name: aziz i.Gender:maleAge Group:19-22 E-Mail Address:Hidden, click here to show e-mail City & Country: accra-kanda
Georgia (Sakartvelo) - not US state!
I will be short here. My name is Zurab and I am 50 year old male. I am looking for new sincere friends. Everything changes, nothing stays the same! People also change, but we ought to be always honest, caring and loving, and always try to give a hand to the one who is in need.