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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 19-22 from Russian Federation

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Name: Kostya P. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Russian Federation

Hobbies: gym, reading, English, watching movies
Penpal message / wishes:

My name is Kostya. I'm 19 years old. I'm here because I wanna to find interesting people, which I can talk.

I'm second year student of Management. My hobbies: I go to a gym, study English. I also really like to read and sometimes watch movies.

If you wanna talk, you can write me, and we'll talk :)

Last modified: 20240223


Name: sonia e. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Russian Federation

Hobbies: 420, movies, overthinking
Penpal message / wishes:
you can call me sonic.

so where do we start? well, probably with these two most basic facts about me - i’m a mixed kid and i’m 20.

not interested in any elderly perverts, if you recognize yourself in here, gtfo :)

can handle whatever deep conversation, can give the best movie recommendations, can tell you about how ancient statues weren’t originally white, and can send you teabags via slow mail.

i have way more stories than you can imagine.

speak fluent english and mediocre italian. would be lovely to find someone to practice my shitty italian with.

in any case... just looking for someone genuine and real to talk to, both email and slow mail would work.


Last modified: 20200727

Name: Yana B. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Russian Federation

Hobbies: astrology, palmistry
Penpal message / wishes:

My name is Yana, I'm 21. I live in Moscow, Russia. But because of coronavirus, now I am in my hometown Cheboksary with my family. I finished my Bachelor's degree, so now I am working as a lawyer in one of the biggest Russian law firms.

My mother tongue is Russian, but I know English well. In my free time, go for a walk and listen to music. Most of all, I prefer pop and piano neo classic. Besides, I read professional law literature (both in Russian and in English). I also like astrology and palmistry. I don't treat them as a science, but in any case it is interesting to try to predict someone's life by lines on hands

I had to move to Moscow because of the university. I love my hometown (happy to be hear now), family and wish to have my own one day. I love children and they love me too :)

So, I want to find friends all over the world (even Russians are welcome). Someone aged 21-27, male or female - doesn't matter. Just a person who would like to discuss mundane topics and tell about events in his life. I prefer email or social nets (anything you have, it doesn’t matter). After we know each other well, I'd like to send letters by snail mail too. Writing and getting paper letters is so fantastic!

Last modified: 20200703

Name: Elena A. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Russian Federation

Hobbies: Travelling, reading, writing
Penpal message / wishes:
Hey! My name is Lena and i'm a 20-years-old girl.

I would love to meet new people. You can ask me: "Why do you want it?". And I will answer: "Why not?".

We can spend a great time together, chatting about different things. I will write you everything about my life and I will be happy to know more about you and your life. When you have a bad day, I will share my happiness with you. And I hope that you will do the same for me.

Last modified: 20200413

Name: Anastasia V. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Russian Federation

Penpal message / wishes:
Hello everyone,

My name is Anastasia, I am a third-year-student of High School of Economics.
I enjoy traveling, meeting new interesting and open-minded people, learning something new about different cultures. I have been studying German for two years, but it leaves much to be desired. English is my second language, I have been learning it since my childhood. Sadly, I am still not fluent enough in it.

I am looking for (female) pen-friends all over the world, preferably native speakers of English or German languages. I also do not mind to learn some new languages!

Last modified: 20200305


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