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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 31-40 from Poland

11 PenpalsNow ads are available in this category. Displaying ads 1 - 5

Name: Deb 0. Gender: male Age Group:31-40
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Penpal message / wishes:
Hi, currently I am living and working in Poland as a forigner and here I am looking for long-term and open minded friends to spend good time together.

Last modified: 20240711


Name: Liana B. Gender: female Age Group:31-40
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Hobbies: languages, running, reading, Music, crochet, health
Penpal message / wishes:

Last modified: 20240228

Name: Liana B. Gender: female Age Group:31-40
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Hobbies: languages, running, reading, Music, crochet, health
Penpal message / wishes:

Last modified: 20240228

Name: M. J. Gender: male Age Group:31-40
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Hobbies: climbing, forests, books even more books, poetry, blues and many kind of music, dreaming
Penpal message / wishes:
Actually it really doesn't matter who I am as long as nobody here cares about it. On this "the best of possible worlds" we can be whoever we like nobody would make any effort to get deeper to see through the mask that we wear to cover our scars and fears. I have an extremely thin skin and my nerves just under to feel the pain more and to live more aware. I have eyes made with dose of Spring water and dose of the abyss that I carry inside I try hard to fill it with valuable things, the more I try the more it gets hungry, swallow my thoughts and drain my emotions. I'm an iceberg waiting for a sunbeam to fall to pieces. I wish my hairs smell with pine tree and rain and I wish I could have my own flying carpet but most of all I wish I could convince the whole world that all that really matters in this damn world is love, and I don't mean this romantic kind with all these sweet and sticky words I mean about love that turn stone into body, that turn guns into flowers, that is the power moving everything in this world.
I'm too old for a games, so please stay away if you have unclear intentions. All that I expect here is a decent conversation, an intellectual stimulation, something that could change my ways or at least re-think things that were obvious for me. If there are people missing a real friendship I want you to know that I'm with you. Someone to share rope while climbing the most difficult mountain paths, someone to live and die for.
If you like a shallow chit chats I'm not a right person to deal with, as I'm rather boring and clumsy and never know what to say,if you like deep and valuable conversations all day and night long about things that could make this world rise and collapse please write to me, I'm here for people just like you are!
That's all, if all that I wrote didn't meet your expectations I just like to wish you luck searching for right people, keep always your heart and eyes open and never stop carrying a sunshine under your beating heart just for those who are in need and those who are not...
Peace with you silence with me!

Last modified: 20230125

Name: paul p. Gender: male Age Group:31-40
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Hobbies: travel,books,nature,english
Penpal message / wishes:
single man from poland looking for friends to improve my english b1

Last modified: 20221016


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