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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 19-22 from Netherlands

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Name: Raven w. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Hobbies: reading, working out, listening to music, playing guitar
Penpal message / wishes:

I'm Raven and I'm looking for new pen pals!

I love talking and sharing things, if we're from the same country we could meet up.

Some of my interests: history, nature, cartoons (mainly adult cartoons), books and movies, military, games, medieval and fastasy themed stuff, learning new languages, neuroscience, vintage clothing.

If there any topics you'd like to talk about, hit me up! I don't bite (or do i?)

Last modified: 20240115


Name: Vera C. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Penpal message / wishes:
Hii there!

My name is Vera and I’m a nineteen-year-old girl from the Netherlands. Currently I’m still in uni, studying European Law (I know sounds like the most boring thing ever lol). I love meeting new people, talk to new people, learning about other cultures, other opinions, and so much more. In short: I just love talking to people! Because of covid I haven’t been able to meet a lot of new people, so I thought ‘why not start penpaling again?!’. So here I am!

Well I do find it hard to start, so let’s start with introducing myself a little bit. I love anything creative; painting, drawing, making weird ashtrays, doing very shitty and impulsive stick and poke tattoos on myself and friends lol. Also, I love reading (well when I’m not banging my head against walls because of all the reading work uni plans out for me). Literature is a real passion, sooo all the book recommendations are welcome! I listen to a lot music, like 24/7. A specific genre I do not have, but I do love Hozier, Billie Marten, Fleedwood Mac, Kings of Leon, Tamino, Sufjan Stevens, Tash Sultana, Lorde, Måneskin (like every European girl, whoops), and the list can go on for years, so I’ll leave it at this.
Also, I am very interested in plants and their medicinal purposes. Often, I make my own medicines for colds, sore muscles and cosmetic salves. Thereby is the process of finding those plants in the wild a real vibe and it makes me feel like a medieval medicine woman (and who doesn’t want to feel like that once in while?).
There are a lot more hobbies and passions I would love to talk about, but let’s leave something to the conversation, right?!

If my profile sparked your interest, send me a message! Even if our opinions and visions differ, I would love to talk to you and see if there is a click. I am open to talk through email or snail mail. Also, Whatsapp would work for me, after we get to know each other a bit. Just shoot your shot and send a message I would say, a little disclaimer, please send more than one sentence. Probably I will not respond to those.

Hope to hear from you soon!!


PS. Please do not be creepy
PPS. I'm part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I don't judge you, so don't judge me for it :)

Last modified: 20210806

Name: Nanette D. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Hobbies: Dromen, luisteren naar muziek, lezen (speciaal jouw mailtjes), tijd met vrienden doorbrengen
Penpal message / wishes:
Niet op zoek naar spammers, een relatie of ontmoeting.

Als ik niet aan het werk of leren ben relax ik graag en laat mijn gedachten gaan.

Daag je uit me te penetreren....althans mijn gedachten.

Mijn voorkeur gaat uit naar een volwassen man die liefst 45 jaar of ouder is. Op het moment van plaatsen van deze oproep ben ik 23 jaar. Op 3 maart ben ik jarig.

Last modified: 20210722

Name: Atkins V. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Penpal message / wishes:
Hello! I'm Atkins from Ireland, and I'm a student at University.
I would like to meet female penpals from different parts of the world, aged between 20 and 25 years old. Email me first :)

Last modified: 20210419

Name: Walid T. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: reading/collecting books, watching anime, classical music
Penpal message / wishes:
I'd like to speak to someone from Japan since I am interested in Japanese culture and am planning to study Japanese in the future. If you're from another country but would like to talk to me, that's fine too.

I like reading books, watching anime, watching documentaries and I like classical music. I'm currently attempting to learn how to play the piano.

Last modified: 20210416


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