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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 50+ from Malaysia

8 PenpalsNow ads are available in this category. Displaying ads 1 - 5

Name: Sam L. Gender: male Age Group:50+
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Penpal message / wishes:
I am coming to visit India, looking for slim women any age for friendship,must have photo.l live abroad can help, anyone wishing to relocate. I am 62 and single.

Last modified: 20240702


Name: Caroline T. Gender: female Age Group:50+
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: reading, browsing antiques at flea markets, travelling
Penpal message / wishes:
Hello there. I'm currently a part-time tutor. Just enjoying a short time away from a structured full time career and the freedom of pursuing other interests. Top of which is writing a book. And finding online English speaking friends who love sharing ideas and experiences on life, travel etc.

Last modified: 20240223

Name: Coreen O. Gender: female Age Group:50+
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: listening to music, collecting bank notes from all over the world and coins
Penpal message / wishes:
I would like to have sincere and honest friends. No scammers or liars. No prisoners.

Last modified: 20230616

Name: Emily E. Gender: female Age Group:50+
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Traveling, eating, watching movies
Penpal message / wishes:
I like making friends who can understand different cultures.

Last modified: 20230317

Name: Vijay H. Gender: male Age Group:50+
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Kota Kinabalu

Hobbies: Various
Penpal message / wishes:
I am a 60+ male, married with grown kids and would like to correspond with females. Not interested in romance or relationship but just to have deeper conversations then the garden variety type and more to cultivate deep friendships.

I am a former seaman so have traveled the world and seen up close quite a number of countries.

Interested in talking on anything and everything and believe that every viewpoint should be respected.

I am into yoga, astrology, meditation, spirituality (not organized religion), anything related to the paranormal. Also, computers and science & current affairs. I don't believe in preaching or trying to convert anyone to anything, but I enjoy discussions on all kinds of things as I believe that helps to broaden our minds.

Last modified: 20220918


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