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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 16-18 from Lithuania

6 PenpalsNow ads are available in this category. Displaying ads 1 - 5

Name: Elina L. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Penpal message / wishes:
Hey I'm Elina(34), with my daughter Sofija(11). We would love to receive your messages and talk about anything! :)

Last modified: 20240621


Name: Daniela .. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Penpal message / wishes:
Hi! My name is Daniela or Dani for short,I’m 16 years old. I’m looking for friends or just someone to talk to. I don’t really have any hobbies, but I do love everything true crime related (not in a weird way!). I would like to think that I’m a pretty open minded, non judgmental person,so I would love to meet more people like myself.

Last modified: 20240522

Name: Daniela .. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Penpal message / wishes:
Hi! My name is Daniela or Dani for short,I’m 16 years old. I’m looking for friends or just someone to talk to. I don’t really have any hobbies, but I do love everything true crime related (not in a weird way!). I would like to think that I’m a pretty open minded, non judgmental person,so I would love to meet more people like myself.

Last modified: 20240522

Name: Sofija S. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Penpal message / wishes:
We're couple M39 F15 who wants to chat with people. :)

Last modified: 20220218

Name: Viktorija . Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Listening to the music, reading, video games, spending hours in Pinterest:)
Penpal message / wishes:
Hello:) My name is Viktorija (17), I'm from Lithuania. I'm looking for a pen pal who would be willing to interact through snail mail, but I don't have anything against e-mails:) I have lots of free time and would like to spend it by getting to know somebody.

Last modified: 20210523


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