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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 23-30 from Italy

27 PenpalsNow ads are available in this category. Displaying ads 1 - 5

Name: Pietro P. Gender: male Age Group:23-30
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Penpal message / wishes:
26 years old. Ischia,Italy. I'm a very curious person and I'm here to know people from all over the world and practise my english. I love politics, arts in all forms (especially music and cinema), history, books, philosophy, journalism, photography, Eurovision Song Contest; even if I haven't been able to cultivate them properly becuase of health problens. I would love to find a person I can share opinions and discussion about current events,share interests and our countries's cultures. I'm looking for a person who is deeply human; not of few words ;polite; intelligent; thoughtful; without prejudices; empathic. I often reflect about life and many things, like all the suffering in the world. I hate ignorance and social injustices make me crazy. I believe in people's individual commitment, but everybody should have exactly the same chances.

I really love northern Europe countries like United Kingdom and Sweden,I love their atmosphere, people and all. I would love to visit them so much

If you want to know me, write me, but homophobic people please stay away from me.

Last modified: 20240702


Name: maurizio P. Gender: male Age Group:23-30
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Penpal message / wishes:
I am looking for people who would be ready to share your interests with me. I am interested in literature, art, language learning, history, psychology, movies and more. I would like language exchanges. I am currently studying French, German and Spanish.

Last modified: 20240228

Name: Solve et C. Gender: female Age Group:23-30
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Penpal message / wishes:
A visionary, visceral writer of pentapolar passions. My belief is: Solve et Coagula. I abhor monosyllabic and banal messages. State of mind like Edward Hopper’s paintings. Surprise me with something original. My name is Enoch, I define myself as an alchemical rebis and sapiose_xual. The pronouns I use are they/them or he/him, so please, be careful not to misgender me. LGBTQ+ members, speak up! A pro to become penpal with me? I love writing, it’s a professional deformation, but equally I’m interested in weaving deep connections. I’m quite talkative, my interest fluctuates. I enjoy drawing, painting, playing the piano. I’m also fascinated by the grotesque and I’m crazy about books and manga. Two truths and a lie: I’m polite. Extremely distinct. I like men.

* If you are a straight cis man, please don’t write to me.

Last modified: 20231009

Name: Beatrice R. Gender: female Age Group:23-30
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Hobbies: hair styling, music, movies, books
Penpal message / wishes:
I am an Italian girl from the province of Catania. I am 24 years old, and I work as a nurse. I am passionate about hair styling, in fact, I own several wigs that I enjoy coloring and wearing when I go to parties (my natural hair is actually very short!).

I have just started my summer vacation, and since I won't be going abroad this year, I thought of using this website to meet people from all over the world.

Let's see, a little more about me, just to break the ice: I really love music, and Billie Eilish is one of my favorite singers! I like to stay in shape with some running every now and then, especially now that it's summer. I enjoy learning foreign languages, and I really like going to the cinema, especially to watch adventure, horror, and science fiction movies. I have a fondness for nature and the universe, and I believe that we are the first advanced civilization in the galaxy!

I think this is enough to start, right? I have never been to Northern Europe, so I wouldn't mind talking to someone from Norway, Sweden, Finland, or even from the Northeastern countries. But I'm not picky: it doesn't matter where you live! I'm not one of those foolish people who say "No Africa" or "No South America" or similar nonsense. We all live under the same sky and we all have the same dignity.

If you write only to flirt with me, or if your willy-billy gets straight thinking about me sunbathing, or if you can talk about my clothes only, or if you want to share your stupid conspiracy theories about covid, save my time and your time and don't write!

Last modified: 20230721

Name: Maurizio P. Gender: male Age Group:23-30
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Hobbies: Politics, hjstory, travelling
Penpal message / wishes:
I'm Maurizio, a student and I live in Italy, I'm 24 years old. I like reading, meeting people from other countries. I'm interested in history, geopolitics, philosophy. I have a degree in archeology and work in a museum. I like cooking, hiking in the mountains and at the sea. I hope I will soon hear from you.

Last modified: 20230709


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