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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 16-18 from Great Britain (UK)

18 PenpalsNow ads are available in this category. Displaying ads 1 - 5

Name: chloe r. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Great Britain (UK)

Hobbies: baking, watching anime T-T
Penpal message / wishes:
i want to be your waifu for laifu O.o

Last modified: 20240306


Name: Serena C. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Great Britain (UK)

Hobbies: Photography, Music, Drawing/Doodling, Hiking/Climbing
Penpal message / wishes:
Hoping for nice friends!! Best if you can do a longer email and not just a few words a day!!

I’m a girl from Hong Kong looking for someone from another country to talk to!

Any genders welcome, but mainly looking for people round my age

Have a nice day and looking for to your email!


Last modified: 20240228

Name: Serena C. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Great Britain (UK)

Hobbies: Photography, Music, Drawing/Doodling, Hiking/Climbing
Penpal message / wishes:
Hoping for nice friends!! Best if you can do a longer email and not just a few words a day!!

I’m a girl from Hong Kong looking for someone from another country to talk to!

Any genders welcome, but mainly looking for people round my age

Have a nice day and looking for to your email!


Last modified: 20240228

Name: Leigh L. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Great Britain (UK)

Hobbies: Writing,Music,Gaming(very little).
Penpal message / wishes:
Well then, Hello there I’m Aaliyah but be preferred to be called Leigh. I’m 17 years old 18 soon(June 2nd).

I have a boyfriend but I’d like to do Written Penpal other than Email but please promise not to show up at my door! LOL

My favourite world is my world when I’m listening to music and being myself.

I played games like Ark,Rust,Minecraft,Cod(war zone 😉)

I’m an insider not an outsider but I guess that’s because I have little friends 🙄 but hey ho that just means more music for me!

I have a HUGE interest in Big dogs and I would absolutely love it if u had one like omg.

My wishes one day are you move to Texas- Houston 🤪

Own a dog shelter and become a Forster.

Right now I have 5 cats, 1 Dog, 2birds.

My humour is very strange when it wants to be (which is hardly ever)

But yes that’s me and I am ok with me and who I am. So if your interested in writing to me then please feel free to get in Contact. Love ya- Leigh

Last modified: 20240224

Name: Leigh L. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:

Great Britain (UK)

Hobbies: Writing,Music,Gaming(very little).
Penpal message / wishes:
Well then, Hello there I’m Aaliyah but be preferred to be called Leigh. I’m 17 years old 18 soon(June 2nd).

I have a boyfriend but I’d like to do Written Penpal other than Email but please promise not to show up at my door! LOL

My favourite world is my world when I’m listening to music and being myself.

I played games like Ark,Rust,Minecraft,Cod(war zone 😉)

I’m an insider not an outsider but I guess that’s because I have little friends 🙄 but hey ho that just means more music for me!

I have a HUGE interest in Big dogs and I would absolutely love it if u had one like omg.

My wishes one day are you move to Texas- Houston 🤪

Own a dog shelter and become a Forster.

Right now I have 5 cats, 1 Dog, 2birds.

My humour is very strange when it wants to be (which is hardly ever)

But yes that’s me and I am ok with me and who I am. So if your interested in writing to me then please feel free to get in Contact. Love ya- Leigh

Last modified: 20240224


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