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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 19-22 from Egypt

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Name: Abdalla . Gender: male Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Idk man
Penpal message / wishes:
Hey y'all
I'm Abdalla, I come from Egypt! I'm 19 and I'm here to get to know people and learn about their lives. I'm into various stuff and my sense of humour is really f'ed up lol (I also like memes.)

If you'd like to know more about me, keep reading or just message me lol

I'm a human, I'm aware many of us are different, and I love learning about those differences so like cultures, languages, religions etc.

I'm a medical student, and I love programming.

I love sharing memes and reels w my friends (don't be surprised when I send you Egyptian ones).

I'm very open to any person I meet, so feel free to be yourself. I learn German, plus I know English and Arabic :) also, we can exchange socials once we get to know each other.

How do you say hello in your language?

Last modified: 20240606


Name: Ahmed S. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: music, movies, series, games, dancing, traveling
Penpal message / wishes:
I am 23 years old, from Egypt. I am looking for a pen-pal who can last for many many years not just a few days.
Message me now!

Last modified: 20230329

Name: Mohamed a. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: football music reading
Penpal message / wishes:
Hi How are you doing?

I'm mo from Egypt I know when you hear egypt You think about pyramids so I would love to hear about you. Any age can talk to me.

Last modified: 20220712

Name: Ahmed m. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: football, reading , tv shows
Penpal message / wishes:
I am Asking if any one Can Help Me With My English practice because I am Spanish and English Tour guide its my third Year At college And i need To Improve my accent as well , I Can Help You with identified The Egyptian Culture , If You interest please write to me Best Luck in Your Day from Alexandria , Egypt

Last modified: 20210815

Name: Angie A. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Photography / playing piano / reading / movies / YouTube / making videos / dancing
Penpal message / wishes:
Hey stranger! I hope you're having a great day first of all.

Do you ever feel like you're a stranger on this planet? Like people around you are all the same while you are the "different" one? And it doesn't necessarily means that you are lonely or depressed but, it's like your mind is lonely. If you feel like this then we definitely need to be friends, because I feel like this all the time. I have this person in my mind that's like my imaginary best friend, I have always had her for years, but still can't find her in real, but I know one day I will. It's crazy what our minds can do in order to save us from drowning in the cruelty of this mad world, and maybe me being on this site is one of the reasons. Because I have learned recently that soulmates don't have to be in the same place as you are, they can be miles away, but because they are meant to be with you, you still find them. Anyway, I don't wanna make this super long but if you are up to talk deeply yet stupidly about everything and nothing, then hit me up and I prefer us talking on social media to feel more real. And please, if you have any problems with lgbt or Islam or a specific region or any racism against anything then please don't bother talking to me. Love and respect are only accepted in any conversation with me. If you're still reading then I appreciate you, stranger. I hope to hear from you soon.

All love. <3

Last modified: 20210608


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