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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 19-22 from China

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Name: Liv S. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Arts,outdoor sports,photography
Penpal message / wishes:
After I've graduated and moved to a new city,I really miss that camaraderie and pure friendships I had.I have so many fun ideas about what we can do together,Camping?Themed dress up parties?How about a trip to the beach?Even just online we can have totally create so many memories.
Who knows,Maybe we'll end up being friends for a long time to come.Best friend spot is open,will it be you?
DO NOT contact me if you're a male lurking for girls.You will be blocked.

Actually only contact me if you're a female,cos males are fragile,delicate,volatile and emotionally unstable I call them maley males,maley just means weak and submissive,describes men and masculinity perfectly.
Just woman up and don't be a malely male.

Last modified: 20240726


Name: Liv S. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Art,Outdoor sports,survival,science
Penpal message / wishes:
A soul worth knowing.I'm fun,creative and reliable,I love science,technology and art,actively looking for International friends to bond with and locals to hangout and party with:)

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's fed up with predatory men lurking for women on these sites.

After I've graduated and moved to a new city,I really miss that camaraderie and pure friendships I had.I have so many fun ideas about what we can do together,Camping?Themed dress up parties?How about a trip to the beach?Even just online we can have totally create so many memories.

Who knows,Maybe we'll end up being friends for a long time to come.Best friend spot is open,will it be you?

DO NOT contact me if you're a male lurking for girls.You will be blocked.

Truth bomb of the day:Men feel threatened by men who are better than them,they're jealous of men they deemed more are infighting,competitive,dramatic creatures who doesn't get along with each other.

Last modified: 20240229

Name: Liv S. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Art,Outdoor sports,survival,science
Penpal message / wishes:
A soul worth knowing.I'm fun,creative and reliable,I love science,technology and art,actively looking for International friends to bond with and locals to hangout and party with:)

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's fed up with predatory men lurking for women on these sites.

After I've graduated and moved to a new city,I really miss that camaraderie and pure friendships I had.I have so many fun ideas about what we can do together,Camping?Themed dress up parties?How about a trip to the beach?Even just online we can have totally create so many memories.

Who knows,Maybe we'll end up being friends for a long time to come.Best friend spot is open,will it be you?

DO NOT contact me if you're a male lurking for girls.You will be blocked.

Truth bomb of the day:Men feel threatened by men who are better than them,they're jealous of men they deemed more are infighting,competitive,dramatic creatures who doesn't get along with each other.

Last modified: 20240229

Name: Zakka L. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Penpal message / wishes:
Enduring friendship might be an extravagant hope. Just for a chitchat.

Last modified: 20240229

Name: Rita C. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Penpal message / wishes:
Seeking love amidst the chaos could be an illusion,

Just like trying to reach the castle in the sky,

Leading to a destination that can't never arrive

Searching a decent man with intelligence on the site,

Would be like rolling a dice hoping to be surprised

Looking into the back of my mind,

Wars always rage inside, stuck in struggles, ready to battle for the upcoming troubles,

Being good-looking can be a burden,

For the tendency to overestimate yourself,

and be underestimated by men in terms of intelligence

Call me a bitch, call me a witch, call me a freak because I intimidate you by sharpe tongue and bright mind

I am just a young woman with dreams and faiths but being the unlucky one

I can feel the tensions are over oceans to skies,

While people simply ignore all these warning signs.

Having seen many men at a young age,

Nothing is weird or shocking in my eyes

With certain knowledge stored in my brain,

Don't try to impress me with your stupidity

Or challenge me with your weak strings that u intend to put on

Let me remind you a little bit,

No man gonna win me in mind games

But if u can keep up with my pace,

We would have a very nice dance even if we are dancing with hands tie.

Last modified: 20240229


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