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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 16-18 from Canada

67 PenpalsNow ads are available in this category. Displaying ads 1 - 5

Name: April C. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: i love art, nature walks, staring at flowers
Penpal message / wishes:
hiiii! i’m april :) im 16 and would love for a pen pal to become friends with

Last modified: 20240604


Name: April C. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: i love art, nature walks, staring at flowers
Penpal message / wishes:
hiiii! i’m april :) im 16 and would love for a pen pal to become friends with

Last modified: 20240604

Name: Peyton T. Gender: male Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Penpal message / wishes:
I'm 15 bored single and lonely pls msg my email if interested ig lmao.

Last modified: 20240315

Name: Lilian B. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Poetry, Flute, Crafts
Penpal message / wishes:
Hi, I’m Lilian!

I’m a 16 year old from Canada. I love to read and write and I’m looking for an interesting and entertaining conversation with someone fun and nice :) I’d like to hear all about you! What are your passions? What drives you? What do you dream about? Anything else you want to talk about, I want to hear!

Pls DNI if you are over 18!!! Hope to hear from you otherwise <3

Find me at my Email

Last modified: 20240229

Name: Yvene D. Gender: female Age Group:16-18
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Art, Music, Movies, Photography, Sorcery
Penpal message / wishes:
Hi, I’m a 15yo from Canada. I’m looking for someone to talk to with similar interests! I like rock/grunge music, I’m in a band and I like making art. I’m also a powerful witch who uses her powers for evil. I like the freedom of talking to strangers, so email me! Careful though, if you upset me, who knows what kind of curse I might put on you :3

Last modified: 20240229


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