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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 19-22 from Brazil

76 PenpalsNow ads are available in this category. Displaying ads 1 - 5

Name: Diego S. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
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Penpal message / wishes:

Last modified: 20240723


Name: Alex A. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
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Penpal message / wishes:

Last modified: 20240712

Name: Rafael S. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
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belo horizonte

Hobbies: I like music, movies, sports (especially street racing and football), anime...
Penpal message / wishes:
Hello, I would like to have friends who love to talk, funny people, good people and not necessarily having the same hobbies, nice to meet them. I'm Brazilian so I'll try my best to understand them haha

Last modified: 20240527

Name: Leoncio 4. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
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Hobbies: Academia jogar estudar ciencias fisica tecnologias mecanica adimirar paisagens e ouvir musica
Penpal message / wishes:
Ola sou leoncio sou cristao e tenho 19 anos vivo no campo no sul do brasil e procuro amigas ou especialmente mulheres nao me importo com idade (obviamente desde de que seja de maior) podemos falar sobre cultura
costumes sobre algum hobby etc tambem posso enviar fotos de paisagens bem legais daqui poderemos ser grandes amigos

Last modified: 20240514

Name: Raul B. Gender: male Age Group:19-22
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Hobbies: Fighting, sports, music, movies, and cultures.
Penpal message / wishes:
Hello, people around the world.

My name is Raul, I'm about to turn 20, and I live in Brazil. First of all, I apologize if my English isn't very good because obviously, it's not my native language, but I'm trying my best.

I'm not the most interesting guy, you know? But I enjoy talking to different people and learning about their cultures. I'm always learning languages. Currently, I can speak a few languages at a basic to intermediate level. Korean is really my thing; I'm passionate about South Korea and its beautiful language. I've been studying Korean since 2020, but I also know some other languages like French, Spanish, a bit of Russian and Japanese, and of course, English.

Also, I'm a fighter. I haven't fought professionally, just regionally. It's been my favorite thing for the past few years, since I graduated. I've also been hooked on a game called Stardew Valley. It has been taking away many hours of my life, haha. I'm not much of a gamer, but sometimes, some games grab my attention, like Stardew Valley.

If you're looking for someone to exchange emails with regularly, don't hesitate to send me one. Tell me a bit about yourself, your interests, and your culture. It'll be a pleasure! :)

Last modified: 20240430


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