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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 23-30 from Belgium

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Name: Axelle . Gender: female Age Group:23-30
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Reading, learning leanguages, learning about others countries , animals , daydreaming, travelling
Penpal message / wishes:
Hi everyone,
I'm Axelle , I'm a 25 year old girl/woman from Belgium. I assume most people heard of this country but if you need a reminder where it's exactly located , it's a small country between France, Germany and The Netherlands. :)

I look for some penpals through mail,I also like snail mail I like writing letters but both are fine for me :)
So like I already said my name is Axelle and at this moment I'm still in college, I study law practice .

My hobbies are reading, travelling, I also like animals especially cats. I also like to socialize with other people and to have conversations with people from all different backgrounds. That's also the reason I'm on this website.

That said I would love if you would write me an e-mail because firstly I so can improve my English( my mother language is Dutch) but I also speak and understand French

I'm just looking for penpals that maybe later can became friends.I think it can be very interesting to have contact with people from different parts of the world. ;)

I'm just looking for friends , no dirty e-mails please

Best regards, ;)

Last modified: 20240613


Name: Daisy P. Gender: female Age Group:23-30
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Rejuvenating you, philosophy, tree hugging, turd watching and other fun.
Penpal message / wishes:
Hello guys, I'm an ugly fat witch with a bad character. That's really all you need to know about me, but let me continue for a while. I am 25 years old. I never finished high school and I work in an animal shelter as a poop remover. It's not my most favorite job type, but I feel more at home with animals than in an environment where I have to communicate with humans who despise me anyway. I am addicted to playing Baldur's Gate 3, which is the worst imaginable RPG in existence. I love listening to Mongolian throat singing, gamelan music and exotic music in general. I am an avid reader of pulp fiction (if I have the time for it). I have an open mind.

I'd like to start an email correspondence with intelligent people who have a wide variety of interests. Your interests can include religions, politics, the climate change, wars and other world events, history, art, literature, music, science, health, and so on. You must be younger than 99. Clearly uninteresting replies will be ignored.

Last modified: 20231214

Name: Vincent . Gender: male Age Group:23-30
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: Films, music, current affairs around the world, improving my English
Penpal message / wishes:
Hello! I am 30 years old and am from Belgium, though the dream is to move to Ireland or England soon.

I'm 'in love' with the English language and culture. Love travelling to English-speaking countries and also studied translation English-Spanish. (Don't pick that degree, though, it's pretty useless.)

I would love to get to know more female native English speakers to learn about their customs, countries and pick up more English. Please be prepared for lots of questions as I tend to become pretty inquisitive when speaking to someone from an English-speaking country (or any non-Belgian for that matter). I can't do snail-mail because I'm blind.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me.

Last modified: 20230212

Name: Stefan S. Gender: male Age Group:23-30
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: football, reading, music, driving, cars
Penpal message / wishes:
Hi to all of you,

It is always a challenge to write something about yourself on a website like this. They always ask what your interests are and they want to know what you are looking for.

Well ...

For starters, I like writing (real texts, not typed). I also like reading (spiritual books, thrillers, poems, ...) I read in English and Dutch. I also write in both languages. Besides reading and writing I like musik (listening not playing. The song of this moment that suits me best is Cross My Heart from the artist Klaas. Listen to it and give me your fair opinion.

Okay ...

What am I looking for?

Someone that's interested in writing REAL letters. Not e-mails, not typed letters, real WRITTEN letters by real fysical mail.

You can handle this? Then you have to contact me and maybe we can start a real writing friendship!

Scammers and money-askers, stay away. I don't send money, only friendship ;)



Last modified: 20220228


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