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Browse Pen Pal Ads: By Age and Country: 19-22 from Austria

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Name: BULLSHI T. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
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Penpal message / wishes:
Hi my name is aelys and I am from france but i moved to ireland I love nature cheetahs and animals.i have 3 goats 16 hens 1 dog 1 cat thats going to have kittens in july and 2 ducks. i love animals and i saw a documatrie of people taking photos of wild animals in there natrul habbitat I have an older sister Orlanne And i really want to save the world and make great freinds BYE!

Last modified: 20240228


Name: Adalie W. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: mix coffee, video making, calligraphy, poetry, worldbuilding
Penpal message / wishes:
Good morning/afternoon/evening to you reading my message. I am Adalie Wolf, from the town of Klagenfurt in Austria. I am 22 years old, I graduated last summer in natural sciences and now I am working in our family's company while I build up my future as a teacher.

I came to this website to attract potential pen pals and build up long term friendships. I have done pen palling when I was in primary school and it was a nice experience, so I want to repeat that now that technology allows us to talk easily with people living on the other part of this round, spinning world.

After reading some messages written by other clever persons I realize that I should write some of my hobbies and interests, so here you are: I practice poetry and worldbuilding, I like reading poetry, and mixing coffees to create the unique coffee experience. I also make videos about nature and daily life in my town, help to create and direct short horror movies, and recently got into calligraphy.

Needless to say that we don't have to share the same interests to start writing: I am open to have any kind of polite, neat discussion of any topic. Please don't be shy, don't be afraid of me and send me an email to start this exciting pen palling experience!

Last modified: 20240225

Name: Emma W. Gender: female Age Group:19-22
E-Mail Address: Hidden, click here to show e-mail
City & Country:


Hobbies: tennis, dancing, walking, watercolor painting, hand lettering
Penpal message / wishes:
Hello hello hello:) I am Emma and I am from a small town near Graz (Austria). I am 22 years old, still live with my parents, I have two younger sisters and my favorite colors are purple, green and blue. I work as a teacher in a kindergarten in Graz.

When I came to know about this website, at first I asked myself if I would have benefited by uploading my advdert here. After thinking a bit I decided to upload mine. I don't fill any "don't write to me if....." section because I know that nobody would care reading it! It's enough to state that if you don't get a reply it's because I don't feel comfortable writing to you.

I hope you find some of my hobbies interesting: we don't have to talk about them though! I am more than happy to talk about anything that hits our interests.

Last modified: 20211010


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